Sunday, February 28, 2010

More smiles!

Finally getting around to adding more pictures/videos to our blog. I've almost forgotten what it is to have 'free time':) The last time I sat down to update this more than a month ago, Lena was in the hospital with Michael. We're glad he's doing better now. He's got so much energy! I love the picture with him looking in the mirror of his book. Plus, the bottom picture here makes us think - that's the exact expression we'll see from Michael when he's a teenager and doesn't want to get up in the morning to go to school. Too funny:)


  1. Oh, that smile is so adorable! Our favorite pic is your fav...his cute little face in the mirror of his book! And that last pic is heartbreaking, such a cutie!

  2. Great photography Nate! Who took the picture of the book with the mirror? Way awesome! He is so dang cute. I can't stand it! I want to just pick him up and kiss those cheeks every time I see him.

  3. I've said it before and i'll say it again and again and probably again and again (ha ha ) HE"S SO FREAKIN CUTE!!! :) Ilove his smiles!:)
